This weekend we were able to escape to Ellensburg for a night to visit my Uncle Steve and Aunt Mary. I think Ellensburg is beautiful, especially the views from my Aunt and Uncle's home. Every time we go visit, I always leave saying that I could see myself living there and start pondering the future possibilities of making the move...who knows, perhaps someday! We all had a great time catching up with family that unfortunately we don't get to see very often. In fact, this was Tatum and Owen's very first visit to the Gordon's home. One of the many hi-lights of the trip for the kids (and us too) was getting to help feed their horses, Tracy and Toodles. Tatum even got to try on a cowboy hat and sit on a saddle. Tate said she someday hoped to be a "cowboy girl". Thank you Gordon Family for a fantastic time!
Tatum with Aunt Mary petting Toodles