How can this be? Isaac hit the five month mark on the 29th of December. Our little guy continues to grow before my eyes! He's doing very well, especially now that he is over his Christmas vacation cold. As Isaac has gotten older, he's definitely become a less fussy baby. When we first brought him home, he would scream over every diaper change, outfit change and when putting him in the bath...he has since outgrown that, but looking back it was an early indicator of his personality. Isaac, like his older sister tends to have sensitive senses. He has a very tough time napping when we are on the go (there's just too much external stimulation), and with two older children were are on the go frequently. For Isaac, I think not having a consistent schedule during the day is contributing to our inconsistent sleeping pattern at night. On a good night I get about five hours straight. I'm really not bothered by this though....I know his crazy sleeping pattern will work itself out. He's also recently decided not to take a pacifier or bottle. He'll only nurse, suck on his fingers or thumb or suck on my fingers. I'm hoping with the introduction of rice cereal, he might change his mind about a bottle. At the very least, once he starts on cereal, I'll be able to get away for longer periods of time on my own!
In five short little months Isaac has brought an abundant amount of joy to our lives. His bright smile and sweet laugh is incredibly contagious. As I carry him around on my hip I can't help but kiss his little bald head. We are so blessed!Isaac and Laine. His very first solo play-date with my good friend Amanda's first baby, born in October.
Tuesday, January 5, 2010
5 Months Already?
Sunday, January 3, 2010
December 2009 Recap
Wow! Is it really January already? What a whirlwind the last month has been! As much as I love the holidays, I must admit I'm ready to move forward and start fresh in 2010. The following posts are a few highlights from the past month.
Christmas Day
This photo just about sums up our Christmas day. OK, so it wasn't completely a disaster, but it was definitely an exhausting 24 hours. We spent the day at my Mom's, but Isaac was not having it. He cried (screamed is probably more appropriate) most of the day. He had come down with a cold a couple days prior and was running a fever...that along with all the commotion of Christmas had him over the edge most of the day. We got home that evening around 6:30 and I was thrilled to have the kids to bed early and a little quiet time to myself. However, that was very short-lived. Both Tatum and Owen spent the entire night (and that's not an exaggeration) throwing-up. I was counting down the hours until Scott came home in the morning. We pulled through and finally everyone in our household is healthy again! Here's to good health in 2010!!
Christmas Eve
This year Santa came to our house one day early on Christmas Eve since he knew Daddy would be working a 24 hour shift on Christmas Day. We spent the entire day at home which was very nice and then went to my Mom and Clint's that night to have a sleep-over. Since Scott was going to be gone to work we thought it would be fun to wake up Christmas morning at Grandma and Papa's!
Making Cookies for Santa
Lights of Christmas
This year we visited the Warm Beach Lights of Christmas with our good friends the Swanson Family. It was our third visit to the Lights and hands down the best time we've had so far. It's always a gamble when attempting to do a family activity with all five of us, as to whether or not all the time and effort it takes to get out the door is worth the end result. Fortunately, this excursion proved to be a successful one! Isaac didn't fuss a bit and was very content in his stroller looking at the lights and napping. Both Tatum and Owen enjoyed the lights plus getting to do all the extras...train rides, chatting with a talking Christmas tree, a pony ride and rockin' to some live music.