Last week I volunteered in Tatum's classroom and was able to snap a few pictures of the kids in action.
Tatum, decorating her cookie for the Valentine's Day Celebration
Scott, Christina, Tatum, Owen & Isaac
Last week I volunteered in Tatum's classroom and was able to snap a few pictures of the kids in action.
Tatum, decorating her cookie for the Valentine's Day Celebration
Owen's Little Gym class recently celebrated the end of the semester. The kiddos showed off their skills, while the parents were invited to take pictures. It was fun to see how much Owen has improved behaviorally and skill-wise since early September.
Owen's favorite skill is probably Monkey Jumps
A couple nights ago when Isaac was chatting up a storm and practicing his newly discovered "cough", I whipped out my camera to capture him on video. As soon as I started recording, Isaac went completely silent, however, attention starved (not really) Tatum and Owen decided to jump in front of the camera. I'm not sure if my favorite part is when Owen flashes me a close-up of his smile, or when I ask Owen to make his brother laugh and he decides to loudly yell in Isaac's face. Anyway, here is the end result!