Wednesday, May 21, 2008

Band-aid Obsession

Tatum, for about the last year or so has had a "thing" for band-aids. She'll use any reason, rarely legitimate, to put on a band-aid. I have seen her go as far as to bite on her own fingers to make a "mark", so she would then need a band-aid. The other day she collided head first with the kitchen counter, thus the photo of her with a band-aid on her forehead.

I am thankful for her fondness of band-aids because of the post-op requirements of her fourth and final surgery...scheduled for next Thursday, May 29th. Dr. Hopper (Tatum's surgeon) has told us we will need to keep steri-strips across her scar for 6-8 weeks post surgery. This is to prevent any stretching of her scar and keep it as minimal as possible. Scott and I (Tatum too of course) are really looking forward to having these surgeries behind us, however, at the same time, can not say enough about the world-class care we have received at Children's Hospital. Dr. Hopper is a wonderful person and surgeon...Tatum thinks he is great! We've been talking to her about going to see Dr. Hopper next week and she is actually excited. Here's a link to Dr. Hopper's physician bio if you're interested in learning more about him:

I thought it would also be fun to include pictures of her after each of her first 3 surgeries. (Tatum has/had a congenital nevi on her forehead...for those of you unfamiliar with her medical history.)

First Surgery: 1/10/2006

Second Surgery: 8/8/2006

Third Surgery: 8/2/2007

1 comment:

Jason Blachly said...

It is amazing to see what a GREAT job the Dr. has done. I cannot wait to see her in a few months when it is healed.