Even though we've been home for going on three weeks, I feel like I'm just getting in the swing of things again. I've been playing lots of catch-up now that I'm feeling more like myself again, however, I don't think my energy level will return to normal until well after baby arrives.
Our Maui vacation was wonderful! A good dose of sunshine was exactly what we all needed. This trip showed me that as your kids age, traveling definitely becomes easier. Tatum had a fantastic time and was very content simply playing in the sand, jumping in the surf, or catching an occasional wave with Daddy. Owen enjoyed himself too and was surprisingly comfortable to travel with, although his attention span obviously isn't quite at Tatum's level yet. He would enjoy the beach for 15 minutes or so before he would be ready to go onto the next "thing". Owen needed a lot more corralling/distracting/entertaining, which of course is completely normal for a 22 month old. I have hope that vacations won't always be so much work! Don't get me wrong though, all the challenges of traveling with little ones are definitely worth it...just check out the pictures!
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