Owen officially turned 2 on the 30th of March! Since Daddy was working on his birthday we had a small celebration at home with Grandpa and Grandma Russell the night before. This year Owen was definitely interested in opening his presents and couldn't get enough of blowing out his birthday candles. The obvious theme of his gifts was anything to do with trains, but it sure didn't make Owen any less excited when he opened a gift. Owen would hold up the gift with total excitement and continually shout out "train, train, train!"

The older Owen gets the more we see his personality emerge. Owen is a sweet, sensitive, and loving little boy. He has a fairly easy going tempermant, but is definitely capable of some serious pouting...I've been told both my kids get that from me:) He's also all about testing his limits right now and wants to discover the relationship between cause and effect. Owen is our little thrower...toys, books, whatever...especially when he's upset. We are desperately trying to get this under control and so Owen's spent his fair share of time in the "get ready/naughty" spot. I think he is getting better, but still needs lots of reminders. Owen's vocabulary is improving each day. He has a hundred plus single words and several phrases, but when he goes to have a conversation there is still very little we understand. I'm hoping to get a video of him talking so I can share it.

Tatum giving Owen a giant birthday hug
1 comment:
Yay for Owen! This will be a big year! Lots more words and potty training too! Cole will definitely be getting lots of train stuff at his birthday too. Talk to you later!
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