Scott and I took the kids to
Remlinger Farms today in Carnation for a day of family fun. Between Scott's window business and the fire department, he has been putting in some serious long weeks. When the opportunity
arises, like today, we try and take advantage of it by doing something fun together. We ended up spending most of the day at the farm and had a fantastic time. I would highly recommend this place to anyone with young children. The farm has a small-town family fair feel to it that definitely caters toward the little ones...it was perfect for us!
Owen's first roller coaster ride...obviously he loved it (and Daddy too)! On his second ride on the coaster he began imitating the other children, throwing both of his arms up in the air.
Fearless Tatum riding in the front car of the coaster.
"All Aboard!"
Baby belly hug...here I am, nearly 36 weeks pregnant. Oh, Baby!
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