On Monday we went to a local tree farm on a search for a perfect Christmas tree. Lucky for us, we've been able to find one every year.
Daddy with Tatum and Owen, posing next to our Christmas tree.
Thursday, December 3, 2009
The Perfect Tree
I Love My Big Sis!
Tatum continues to be very helpful when it comes to Isaac. She loves being involved in his care and still asks to hold him frequently. The other morning, she came downstairs and very excitedly told me she had just changed Isaac's diaper and wet pajamas for me. Slightly worried, I ran upstairs and sure enough found Isaac on my bed (where I had left him), pj's off and a new diaper on. The diaper was on perfectly and she had even used wipes to wipe his little bum. I told her I was very appreciative of the help, but next time she needed to ask me first!
Monday, November 30, 2009
"Reading" to Isaac
The other day I discovered the kids each "reading" a book to Issac. Owen was reading him his new favorite, "The Polar Express". He still loves anything to do with trains.
YIKES! Was our family room really that messy?? OK, I admit it...that's usually how it looks most days :-).
Sunday, November 15, 2009
Our boys
I haven't quite gotten used to saying "the boys", but every time I do it brings a smile to my face. Here are a few pics I snapped of Owen and Isaac a couple mornings ago.
Isaac's Baptism
Isaac was baptized this morning at St. Mary's Catholic Church. What a special, awesome day! I've loved this day for each of our kids, and Isaac of course was no exception. Isaac did great through the ceremony and even flashed Father Guzman a big smile right after he baptized him.
Our family with Father Guzman and Auntie Ray-Ray and Uncle Justin, Isaac's Godparents
Sunday, November 1, 2009
Happy Halloween!
Owen decided he didn't want to be a pirate after all. Instead he wanted to be a kitty and fortunately was able to borrow Tatum's costume from last year. Both kids were very into trick-or-treating this year. Owen kept asking, "Just one more house?" over and over again. After about 20 minutes we called it quits, but apparently that was plenty of time to almost fill their treat bags. Where we went trick-or-treating, the 1 piece of candy per child rule clearly did not apply.
Wednesday, October 28, 2009
Pumpkin Party
On Saturday we went to Grandma Cheryl and Papa Clint's annual pumpkin carving party. The weather for the fourth straight year in a row was absolutely lovely! I must say, pretty fortunate for mid-October in Western Washington. The kids had a great time playing with each other, painting pumpkins and decorating festive cookies. Here are some pics from our day.
He found his thumb
All three of the kids have been pacifier/thumb suckers. They all love(d) the paci...I'm embarrassed to admit that Owen still LOVES his. Owen loves the paci so much that he was walking around with two in his mouth this morning....he's addicted! This is a habit I've got to break sooner rather than later! Tatum is our little thumb-sucker and as you can see from the photo, Isaac has just discovered his thumb as well.
Thursday, October 22, 2009
He's Growing Before My Eyes!
Compare this bath picture with the one on my August 28th post (less than 2 months ago) and I think you'll agree...Isaac is growing like a weed! I know this is a good thing and that Isaac is supposed to get bigger, but I wish he'd stay itty-bitty...just for a little while longer!
Biringer Farm Field Trip
On Wednesday, Isaac and I accompanied Tatum and her preschool class on a field trip to the pumpkin farm. Here are a few pics from our fun morning.
Thursday, September 17, 2009
Sweet Baby Smiles
Look at how big our newborn has gotten!! I swear Isaac has almost doubled in size and he's only 7 weeks old. I've already put away his 0-3 month clothes...boo hoo! Anyway, I was finally able to capture his adorable smile on camera a couple days ago...I thought I would share with you.
Sunday, September 6, 2009
My Babies
Yes, these days are hectic, beyond exhausting, sometimes stressful and very very noisy, but I wouldn't trade it for anything. I am so blessed to be the Mom of 3 wonderful kids. Life is good!
Friday, September 4, 2009
Say Cheese!
I had to post these pictures for a couple of reasons. First, as of lately, this is the expression I get from Owen when I ask him to smile for the camera. A gigantic smile with his eyes tightly squeezed shut. Clearly, he's becoming quite animated like his older sister.
Wednesday, September 2, 2009
Back to School!
We did it! We survived the first day of preschool and Little Gym with no major catastrophes and even managed to make it there on time. OK, so I can't take all the credit because I had a lot of help this morning. Scott was able to help get the kids ready before heading off to work and Auntie Rachel was waiting for us in the parking lot when we arrived at the school. Let me just say that loading up the car with 3 kids ages 4 and under by 7:45 am is no easy feat, so I was very thankful for the extra hands.
Owen's First Salon Haircut
Friday, August 28, 2009
Isaac's First Bath
Traditionally, baby's first bath has always been a family affair. Isaac's first bath in the baby tub proved to be no different. Both Tatum and Owen were more than happy to help out, in fact, they insisted on it. They took turns scrubbing his head and soaping him up and did a fairly good job. Owen, after a bit wanted to join Isaac in his tub, but after a little distracting we were able to talk him out of it. Through all of this, Isaac was a good sport and I think may have even enjoyed himself a little.
Long Beach '09
What a difference a year makes! We recently returned to the Lighthouse Resort for our second annual family vacation to Long Beach. Isaac experienced his first vacation at just 9 days old! We probably wouldn't have chosen to go on vacation with a newborn, but this trip was planned before we knew we were pregnant and this year we invited my side of the family to join us. We didn't want to miss out on the fun and knew we had several extra sets of hands to help us out. Even though I spent a lot of my time in the condo caring for Isaac, I was glad we made the trek.
Tuesday, August 4, 2009
Lovin' on Isaac
There's certainly no doubt Isaac has been receiving plenty of loves from his big sister and brother!