Saturday, September 18, 2010

Isaac's Bath Time

These pictures were taken a few months ago now, but I thought they were so darn cute along with the story behind them that I just had to share.

From about 10 - 13 months, Isaac was absolutely terrified of the bath tub. I'm not sure what brought it on, but Isaac made it quite clear he wanted nothing to do with a bath. Even the noise of turning on the faucet had him frantically scrambling for the door.

Prior to these pictures being taken, I had attempted once again to give Isaac a bath in the kids' tub. After seeing him hysterically cry and try to claw his way out of the tub, I decided I needed a different game plan. I gave the kitchen sink a whirl and the difference in Isaac's attitude was like night and day...he LOVED it (except for when I needed to rinse his hair...he still hates that part)!! I realized Isaac's hysteria mostly came from not feeling secure in a BIG tub and had very little to do with the water itself.

Now, at 14 months, Isaac does just fine in a bathtub. He's still not a fan of rinsing his hair, but we're working on it!

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