Today marks our second full week of potty training and I can thankfully say we are making some headway! After almost four days of accident after accident, lots of laundry, and constant reminders to use the potty we (unintentionally) discovered something that worked. If Tatum wore nothing from the waist down she would use the toilet...without us even asking!!! We left her like this for three days and her progress continued. Since then, we've gone back to underpants and she's continued to do fairly well. Yesterday, we went the entire day with no accidents!!. Pooping is a whole different story...she's just not there yet. I guess for Tatum, this is a work in progress. We'll get there!
Monday, March 31, 2008
Sunday, March 30, 2008
Happy Birthday Owen!
Owen officially turned one this morning at 8:48 am. He's on the brink of walking. Today, he took the most steps we've seen yet (about 6 or 7). He desperately wants to keep up with Sis; I have a feeling it won't be too long. He always has a lot to say, and likes to speak at a very loud volume. However, we don't understand about 99% of it. If you notice, in several of the pictures I've posted of Owen, his mouth is always open. This is because he is always making noise, especially when he is playing. You can also probably tell from the
pictures, that our little guy (not really little) is a healthy eater. He will eat just about anything we put on his high-chair tray and out-eats his sister most every meal.
Owen, for the most part is a very even-tempered (I may change my mind about this one after his first tantrum), laid-back, happy little boy. I love watching his personality emerge. We learn more about him every day. Today we had a quiet day at home because our little Mister came down with a cold yesterday. Here's a picture of Owen pushing around one of his new birthday presents, and enjoying a new book with sis.
Thursday, March 27, 2008
Where is Spring?
As soon as I saw the snow start to fall this afternoon, I had to go out and snap a picture. Snow fall at the end of March is just something we don't see too often. I'm never one to complain about the snow, but I do have to admit I am ready for Spring and a little sunshine. My poor flowers aren't too happy about the snow either!
Tuesday, March 25, 2008
Ski Bunny
Since having children, Scott and I have been looking forward to taking them skiing. Prior to kids, we usually took an annual ski vacation and tried to go locally when we could. Well, today was our first day back to the mountains since getting pregnant with Tatum (Owen stayed home with Grandma Cheryl) and we could not have asked for a more beautiful day. It was perfect spring skiing conditions!
Scott and I were fairly certain Tatum would have fun because of her fearless attitude and "balls to the walls" mentality...boy were we right! After getting to the mountain it wasn't long before she began asking to go on the "chair". After about a half hour or so of getting comfortable on her skis, Tatum and Daddy went on Daisy. The smile on her face was gigantic! Scott said the lift operator commented that hers was the biggest smile he'd seen in a long time. The whole way down, Scott said Tate was laughing and continually asked to go faster. They took about four or five runs before Tatum wanted a break. We had such a fantastic time today, we hope to get in a day or two more of spring skiing before the season closes.
Monday, March 24, 2008
Mommy's getting in shape!
Scott and I, to motivate ourselves to get in shape and live a healthier lifestyle are doing a sprint triathlon this summer. This will be a first for both of us! We have about four months to get in shape and I personally have not exercised (other than chasing and carrying kids around) in over two years. I started my training with some nudging from my sister on Saturday. After a ten minute jog and considering throwing the towel in on this whole exercise thing, I realized I am in a lot worse shape than I thought. I can not believe how sore my entire body is...after just 10-15 minutes. Today, I took a 3 mile walk with the kids and Porter. Walking I figure, may be a better way to ease my body back into exercise.
Saturday, March 22, 2008
Owen's 1st Birthday
Today we celebrated Owen's first birthday with some members of my Mom's side of the family. I can hardley believe the first year is almost behind us...I get a little emotional just thinking about it. He officially turns one on the 30th of March. Owen truly seemed to enjoy his party. I'm fairly certain he liked his birthday cake, and had lots of fun playing with his new toys.
Wednesday, March 19, 2008
What I wouldn't give for another set of eyes...
Today I felt like I was cleaning up one disaster after another. In the first picture, I discovered the kids "painting" as Tatum explained to me, with Daddy's shaving cream. It was all over the floor, in their hair, on their clothes, and all over their faces. In the second photo I found Owen in the dishwasher, playing the drums with the silverware and yogurt on his face. After doing a little investigating as to where the yogurt came from, I realized Tatum had fed him the yogurt she found left on the kitchen table from lunch (I swear this all happened in under a minute).
Tuesday, March 18, 2008
Sunshine in Stanwood today!
We saw a glimmer of Spring today! This is the first time this year we've enjoyed the play set without being bundled in hats, gloves and jackets. This wonderful play set was a gift from Grandpa and Grandma Russell. Although the kiddos love it, I think Scott and I may love it more. Anything that will keep them occupied, is outside (and fenced in!!), and burns off energy is absolutely fantastic!
On another note, it's day 2 of potty training and Tatum is already pulling out all her tricks. After sitting on the potty for several minutes (and not going) she told Scott she was really tired and wanted to take a nap (yeah right). Scott put her to bed and after a few minutes she came out of her bedroom saying she was all done with her nap and of course had wet her pull-up. Later, she was sitting on the potty and hysterically crying. She suddenly stopped, looked at me and said "my eye balls are watering, you have to take me to the doctor". I wonder what she'll come up with next to get out of sitting on her potty chair?
Monday, March 17, 2008
Potty Training 101
Today started our official second attempt at potty training. We gave it a good try last summer, but after a month and our progress quickly going downhill we decided to hold off on the training for awhile. So here we are quickly approaching her third birthday and giving it another shot. We started the day by graciously passing down her diapers to Owen. We had as many successful attempts as we did accidents. Tatum doesn't tell me when she has to go, so we're using a timer and I'm constantly asking if she has to go potty...she always tells me no. The accidents she did have today don't seem to phase her in the least. Tatum just keeps to her business, running around in wet pants. This is not going to be easy!!
Friday, March 14, 2008
"The Egg Hatched"
This is what I found the other day when I heard
Tatum yelling from the kitchen "Mama, the egg hatched!". I knew right away what had happened and was keeping my fingers crossed that it was on the hardwood and not the carpet. Don't you think she has the face of a quilty person?
I'm all done!
Owen has recently begun to use some sign language. His absolute favorite is "all done". He does it all the time when in his high-chair, not necessarily because he is actually "all done", but because I think he likes the reaction he gets when he signs.
Owen also has an assortment of funny faces and noises that he likes to make. Here he is making his latest silly face. He scrunches up his nose and blows air in and out through his nostrils. He really likes it when we get in on the act too! We've gone back and forth making this face at each other during an entire meal-time. Owen thinks it's hilarious!
Suspicious Silence
Whenever Tatum is quiet for an extended period of time it usually means she is doing something she shouldn't be. Today, after not hearing from her for a while, I called her name to see what she was up to. She replied from my bathroom in her matter of fact voice, "putting on some lipstick". Here she is with pink glossy lips and no clothes...I guess she decided she didn't want to wear her clothes either.
My First Post
I want to start this post by thanking my friend Abbey who gave me the idea to blog in the first place. Her blog page is in my favorites and I love being able to check in periodically and see what her family is up to.
I'm creating this blog as a means to keep in touch with all of our out-of-town family and friends, and those people who aren't necessarily out-of-town, but that we don't get to visit with as often as I'd like. I'm also doing this for myself, as a way to document all the crazy, funny and probably not so funny moments in our daily lives. Time goes by so fast, it will be nice to have a way to record some of our memories!